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The CISO List – Security Companies Operating In Norway

About The CISO List

The “CISO List” is a shortcut for Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) located in Norway in search of services, companies and suppliers that provide security services (consultancy for clients) that specifically support the CISO role. Examples include (but are not limited to) Penetration testing services, Security consulting, advisement, Secure Software Development LifeCycle (SSDLC) services, Security Governance through ISMS and ISO27001. We also include examples of information security training and awareness specialists/platforms.

The idea is to make it easier to navigate the security landscape in Norway and increase opportunities for interaction, get an overview of the service offering in Norway and potentially increase information sharing across companies operating in Norway in the field.

To be listed below the company needs to have a specific focus on security or have security be a main pillar of services offered, physical offices (not headquarters) in Norway, be a registered company in Norway, have product or service descriptions covering information security specifically and details specific for the Norwegian (or Nordic) market. We at CISO Services belive that great collaboration can be hindered by simply not knowing “what is out there”, so the lack of overview should not hinder companies from selecting their vendor of choice based on who delivers the best and most relevant products, services, customer service and support.

Disclaimer: The list is not complete and is updated regularly. CISO Services is a privately held company, has not quality assured the companies on the list, but offers the information as-is to the security community. We work in this space and want people to be able to meet and connect more easily. List is in no particular order. This is done to speed up the process of navigating the security landscape so they can perform their own due diligence. If you see companies that are missing, incorrect classification, incorrect labeling of service description or other incorrect information, feel free to contact us. 

International Companies And Clients Looking For Resources

The list also serves as an overview for companies and potential clients from outside of Norway looking for highly skilled security resources for their security projects, either in the EU/EEA, EMA, US / Canada, APAC or RoW (Rest of World). Norway’s highly educated and skilled population is comparable to knowledge centers, such as San Fransisco, and can offer something unique to the global security market.

Company Overview

The list was last updated: 01.09.2022


Information security training and awareness specialists and risk platforms

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